
Thank you for visiting my personal website. My name is Neal Gamradt and I have been in the web industry since the late 1990s. I am passionate about this industry and love what I do. Currently, I spend most of my day working with cloud services as a Principal Software Engineer with a focus on Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment/Continuous Configuration (CI/CD/CC) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Outside of the technical aspects of my job, I also strive to be more efficient in managing my work day; this includes areas like communication, meetings, task management, coding, etc. I feel like there is always room for improvement in all of these areas. Because of this, some of my posts will be related to these topics.

Hopefully you will find some of my posts informative or possibly even entertaining 😀

Monday, February 19, 2024

AWS CloudFormation Git Sync

AWS CloudFormation Git Sync is a useful new CloudFormation feature which allows you to manage stacks directly from a Git repository. This new feature is possible through a combination of a CodeStar connection, a CloudFormation template (which will define the stack), and a Stack Deployment file which contains parameters for configuring the stack.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Website Boilerplate Repositories

Since this was originally a project that I developed privately using AWS CodeCommit to host my repositories, it has taken me some time to get repositories cleaned up and documented on GitHub. Most of this work was completed in 2023, but only recently have I had time to get basic documentation prepared. Please read on if you would like to learn about the public versions of these repositories.